Clearing the obstacles: Unlocking Reimbursement Success

By partnering with Guided Care, you can recoup payment from difficult claims and prevent potential loss.
Navigating Managed Care reimbursement can be a complex and challenging endeavor, requiring meticulous attention to detail. Our dedicated team is readily available to get involved with unresolved claim denials, authorization complications, and high-cost carveout requests.


Don't Give Up, Come to Us

Managed Care can be tough and it’s tempting to choose the route of least resistance. We choose the route that accomplishes your goal, using our trademark persistence and creativity.


Sharing the Knowledge

Healthcare organizations need preparation and information to strengthen MCO revenue. Get access to the support you need to make smart internal decisions.


Brick Walls

When we face a brick wall, we do the logical thing - we break it. Our extensive understanding of the industry allows us to clear a path and bring that revenue home.

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Success in Numbers



Decrease in Managed Care write-offs



Success Rate




Recouped from difficult claims

Training our Providers

Guided Care believes in the value of knowledge. We educate our providers on best practices, common misconceptions, and MCO standards, ensuring they maximize the impact of our work.